Our story

In the wilderness, there are no politics. Just harmony and chaos.

When I moved off-grid in 2015 it was not a popular move; it was actually seen as kinda bizarre by most people, including my friends and family. I understood their apprehension, but also I knew that I could not be the only one who wanted to be closer to nature and to live more sustainably.

So much has happened since that time. I connected with many others who shared my passion for wilderness experiences, conservation, and cabin culture. It became clear to me that I could only protect this wilderness by sharing it. 

With 465 acres, I had enough land to offer small parcels for sale to like-minded individuals who shared my enthusiasm for reducing our carbon footprint and even off-grid homesteading. I sold the first 10-acre parcel in 2016 to a dear friend I had known since my university days. Since then I have sold 3 more parcels, also to very close friends, and we have the beginnings of the beautiful off-grid LeTerrain Village here at the edge of LeTerrain Park. We have zero expectations of each other and no communal resources but as like-minded friends connected by the land we come together organically for all kinds of reasons. We all have a sense of investment in and stewardship of the now 430 acres of wilderness park.

This feeling of like-minded stewardship and enjoyment of this wild, ancient, and beautiful place was a big part of the inspiration for the LeTerrain Wilderness Park. We hope you will all feel a sense of connection with and responsibility for this pristine ecosystem.

Read more about our story in this article published in The Equity by Connor Lalande in May 2023.